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Your Willpower is an Inherent Superpower, But Can It Also Be Acquired?


Self-control is the most significant part of the human brain that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. Self-control describes one’s ability to manage their emotions, behaviors, and impulses to reach long-term goals.

Saying that a person has willpower would refer to their ability to exert that self-control. To keep their eyes on the prize, so to speak, despite competing stimuli. For example, they have enough self-control to resist the chips and salsa on the table so they can enjoy the meal they have coming.

But how do we explain one’s capacity to turn down the short-term temptations for something even better? Well, you may find the part of the answer within that same statement — strengthening your self-control can require a shift in perspective. In other words, they focus on the goal they seek and what it means to them — they’ve decided that waiting to enjoy their meal is worth missing out on the salsa, even if it’s free.

People with strong willpower tend to focus more on their “why” for doing something rather than the “how”; when the focus is on avoidance or something we perceive as effortful, it makes sense that we would experience poorer self-control. You may gain more control by not thinking of some things as so effortful or daunting.

Shifting your perspective to focus on your goals and your reasons is one way to strengthen your willpower. However, one of the most impactful ways to increase self-control is to practice good habits.

It is easier to bypass your impulses and destructive behaviors when you focus on and engage in behaviors that make you happy and feel good. In other words, willpower is like a superpower because once you strengthen it, you can take control of your impulses, despite how powerful a temptation may be.

If you continue to struggle with issues like impulsivity or addictive behaviors, therapy can help you find more awareness and understanding of your impulses and how to control them. Counseling is also a great route to take if you seek self-development, hoping to cultivate more willpower and achieve your long-term goals.

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